A Community For Today's IT Professional
Founded in 2009, NYTIA brought open dialogue between IT vendors and partners in the New York area. The association’s earliest benefits included a membership directory and vendor chats.
Our Vision
To be the premier resource for technology-driven growth through a proven track record of accomplishments in the hands-on application of technology, know-how, and the forging of strategic relationships.
Our Mission
To add value to our members in New York.
Over 60 Meetups Held
NYTIA has an industry-driven initiative structure, providing New York with networking opportunities, access to enabling technologies, hands-on assistance and a wide range of programs directed at creating an environment for innovation, lowering the cost of operations and increasing growth, focused on creating New York’s future.
NYTIA supports the defense and aerospace, medical device and healthcare,energy, information technology and manufacturing Industries. We partner with local companies, organizations, Universities and the National Laboratory Systems.